Wednesday 7 October 2015

Short Film

A part of Digiconn a group of us came together to create a short film as part of The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival. We created the film around cyber bullying and the effects of it, the first few planning sessions were talking about how we wanted the film to look and what we were going to do. We then made a storyboard of all the shots that we wanted and the things that were going to appear on the screen. Then over the last few weeks we filmed short clips of the actors appearing in the film and the scenes. The whole film is about one girl that loves to take selfies and then her so called friends start to make fun of her and give her abuse online. Stuart from fling then edited the film together which took a long time and was starting to annoy him as he encountered a few problems on the way but he managed to fix them and finish the film. We then presented the film at the festival event and saw other groups entries, which was really interesting finding about the different groups and what they do. In the next few weeks we will  be having a proper premier of the short film at the Fling Film Festival and having a red carpet and posh food to celebrate our achievements :D  

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